You can find here the updates and fixes made over the course of the Y10S1 Season Test Server. Find the full Operation Prep Phase Patch Notes
FIXED - Swapping to line of sight has no time limit, causing unintended bot behaviours.
FIXED - Blackbeard's look/aim direction in from Defender's point of view doesn't match first person view while in free rappel.
FIXED - The LED is missing when an operator is watching Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell camera.
FIXED - Blackbeard's fingers look strange when grasping weapons from Defender's point of view.
FIXED - Starting with the second round on all maps, the Preparation phase red barrier is missing on all doors and windows.
FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield remains extended when Blackbeard is knocked back by Oryx's Remah Dash.
FIXED - Players get minus points as Rook when destroying an empty Armor Pack container.
FIXED - Animation in first person view is snappy when using Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb.
FIXED - Broken reload animation on bots in Killcam and End of Round Replay.
FIXED - Operator's hands are offset for a few frames when reinforcing a wall as a Defender.
FIXED - Players can peek through a gap between reinforced walls if the soft part is destroyed.
FIXED - Azami is able to vault on the shelf in 2F garage in Clubhouse by using her Kiba Barrier.
FIXED - Players can vault on top of the boxes in the middle of the room in 2F Geisha on the Skyscraper map.
FIXED - Echo's Yokai Drone loses signal on the stairs in 2F South Stairs on the Coastline map.
FIXED - The drone vent marker disappears even when the player turns on the drone vent option.
FIXED - A gap is present when a barricade is placed on the door next to B Freezer Stairs on the Oregon map.
FIXED - Bots can't interact with a briefcase while player is using Melusi in 1F Coat Check on the Kafe Dostoyevsky map.
FIXED - Floating paper VFX is low resolution regardless of setting in 1F Spiral Stairs of the Consulate map.
FIXED - Rauora's Reaper MK2 emits a reflection when approaching certain areas.
FIXED - Pinging the trigger of the Panel from Rauora's D.O.M. Panel Launcher shows Castle's Icon.
FIXED - Rauora's Reaper MK2 Extended Magazine floats when canceling the reload animation.
FIXED - Rauora's Operator Portrait rarity is missing.
FIXED - When previewing Rauora, the D.O.M. Panel Launcher appears to be floating behind her.
FIXED - Fuze's Ballistic Shield clips into view while deploying a Cluster Charge.
FIXED - Post-shoot animation plays after equipping Rauora's D.O.M. Panel Launcher when it's empty.
FIXED - Weapons are misplaced in Rauora's hands, after switching weapons while aiming down sights of D.O.M Panel Launcher.
FIXED - Closing the Panel from Rauora's D.O.M. Panel Launcher doesn't destroy certain gadgets beneath it.
FIXED - No Charm options available for Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield.
FIXED - Operator body snaps for a frame when when they step on their first stair tread while sprinting.
FIXED - Montagne takes bullet damage when a defender shoots precisely at the left side of the Le Roc Shield.
FIXED - Brava's Kludge Drone is invisible in drone view in Match Replay.
FIXED - Thunderbird's Kóna Station camera appears as if it's floating during deployment.
FIXED - Operator's hand clips to their back when picking up the hostage in crouch position.
FIXED - Kapkan's Entry Denial Device laser VFX doesn't show up after installation.
FIXED - Twitch's left hand clips vertically with the observation tools phone when accessing the cameras.
FIXED - Blackbeard's can push through a wall while it's being reinforced.
FIXED - The LEDs on Iana's Gemini Replicator appear misaligned when deploying.
FIXED - Wrong collision material on the glass of Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield.
FIXED - Castle's Armor Panel can break if an Operator vaults next to it.
FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield clips through the floor while in crouch position.
FIXED - Players get stuck in an empty Siege Cup lobby if they leave the Registration prompt on-screen and confirm after the registration period has ended.
FIXED - Players receive a D01A error if they reconnect and select 'Keep Playing as a Team' during the After Action Report.
FIXED - Several UI elements are missing from the player profile side panel when viewed during a local custom game.
FIXED - Several UI elements are missing from player cards in the local custom game lobby.
FIXED - Generic description and reward descriptor are both missing from the Reputation Bonus Drops widget.
FIXED - Players with Disruptive/Dishonorable Reputation Standing are able to register for Siege Cup.
FIXED - Rick and Morty bundles duplicate after purchase.
FIXED - Searching for or selecting a weapon skin in Marketplace will give an error message.
FIXED - Elite animations are not synchronized with the timing of animated props.
FIXED - The Attackers spawn location is missing on Operator cards when viewed in Spectator mode.
FIXED - The ban phase always display orange as banning for the spectator client.
FIXED - Lights on operated observation tools are not visible from a distance of 13m or more.
FIXED - Camera is blurred when Montagne deflects bullets with Le Roc Extendable Shield.
FIXED - Previous Seasons section is not showing the ranks of the past seasons.
FIXED - The Lefty preset assigns both the Aim and Shoot actions to the same input.
FIXED - Upper and Lower Brackets are not updated after a match is cancelled.
FIXED - Flawless Round Bonus and Match Victory score points are overlapping at the end of the match.
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