Prep Phase, the Rainbow Six Esports Podcast - Episode 1 Part 2 | Presented by Predator Gaming
Welcome to the 2nd part of the Prep Phase Pilot episode, a podcast created in partnership with Predator Gaming that discusses the latest news on professional players, teams, and competitions in Ubisoft's Rainbow Six Siege's Esports. Today, Milosh will be accompanied by his awesome crewmates Dezachu & AceOfPyrite, but also by our new special guest: Lagonis, captain of Brazilian team Team oNe Esports and Six Mexico Major champion! This episode will be an opportunity to continue the discussion from last week by looking back at what happened during Stage 1 of the Regional Leagues but also to look ahead with the Charlotte Major, from May 16 to 22! Timestamp: 00:00 SEGMENT 3 - ON THE CCTV - WITH LAGONIS 01:52 Introduction Lagonis 02:37 Team oNe defying expectations & their new young roster 06:46 Risks of having young players 08:36 Team oNe reaching their final form 09:26 Team oNe without Alem4o 10:54 W7M & their unexpected rise to the top 13:03 W7M & their performances in BO3 14:33 Brazil's map pool depth 15:19 Current most impressive teams for Lagonis 16:52 Attacker repick impacts on the metas & maps... 20:13 Hopes to go against G2 & Alem4o 21:04 Lagonis' medals & other sports practiced 23:09 Expectations & potential upsets at the Charlotte Major 24:27 Wrapping up the CCTV section 27:01 SEGMENT 4 - R6CAP 27:39 Map ban system - AMA with developers on Reddit 29:00 Rengoku game mode 31:13 Emerald plains, new maps, favorite & least favorite maps 34:05 Playing in ranked & competitiveness 36:50 Avoiding burnout & playing other "relax" games 39:12 Next episodes & wrapping up Follow us on our official channels! Twitter: Don’t miss out on our content! Twitch: Youtube: Youtube for Replays: KEY FEATURES: • THE RULES OF SIEGE: Five versus Five. Attack versus Defend. Infiltrate versus Fortify. Team-based strategy meets intense, tactical combat. • WORLD'S ELITE COUNTER-TERRORIST OPERATORS: Choose your Operator and wield their unique ability to breach or defend the objective as a part of an elite team. • DESTRUCTION AS A TOOL: Walls can be shattered; floors and ceilings can be breached. Mastering the tactical use of destruction is the key to victory. • CLOSE-QUARTERS COMBAT: With tight spaces shaping all combat arenas, tense encounters and up-close-and-personal firefights abound within every Siege #R6S #R6Sesports #PrepPhase
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Welcome to the 2nd part of the Prep Phase Pilot episode, a podcast created in partnership with Predator Gaming that discusses the latest news on professional players, teams, and competitions in Ubisoft's Rainbow Six Siege's Esports. Today, Milosh will be accompanied by his awesome crewmates Dezachu & AceOfPyrite, but also by our new special guest: Lagonis, captain of Brazilian team Team oNe Esports and Six Mexico Major champion! This episode will be an opportunity to continue the discussion from last week by looking back at what happened during Stage 1 of the Regional Leagues but also to look ahead with the Charlotte Major, from May 16 to 22! Timestamp: 00:00 SEGMENT 3 - ON THE CCTV - WITH LAGONIS 01:52 Introduction Lagonis 02:37 Team oNe defying expectations & their new young roster 06:46 Risks of having young players 08:36 Team oNe reaching their final form 09:26 Team oNe without Alem4o 10:54 W7M & their unexpected rise to the top 13:03 W7M & their performances in BO3 14:33 Brazil's map pool depth 15:19 Current most impressive teams for Lagonis 16:52 Attacker repick impacts on the metas & maps... 20:13 Hopes to go against G2 & Alem4o 21:04 Lagonis' medals & other sports practiced 23:09 Expectations & potential upsets at the Charlotte Major 24:27 Wrapping up the CCTV section 27:01 SEGMENT 4 - R6CAP 27:39 Map ban system - AMA with developers on Reddit 29:00 Rengoku game mode 31:13 Emerald plains, new maps, favorite & least favorite maps 34:05 Playing in ranked & competitiveness 36:50 Avoiding burnout & playing other "relax" games 39:12 Next episodes & wrapping up Follow us on our official channels! Twitter: Don’t miss out on our content! Twitch: Youtube: Youtube for Replays: KEY FEATURES: • THE RULES OF SIEGE: Five versus Five. Attack versus Defend. Infiltrate versus Fortify. Team-based strategy meets intense, tactical combat. • WORLD'S ELITE COUNTER-TERRORIST OPERATORS: Choose your Operator and wield their unique ability to breach or defend the objective as a part of an elite team. • DESTRUCTION AS A TOOL: Walls can be shattered; floors and ceilings can be breached. Mastering the tactical use of destruction is the key to victory. • CLOSE-QUARTERS COMBAT: With tight spaces shaping all combat arenas, tense encounters and up-close-and-personal firefights abound within every Siege #R6S #R6Sesports #PrepPhase
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