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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Playoffs - Day 6 - Grand Finals
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 6, Playoffs, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 6): Announcement - 11: 00 CDT Team oNe vs Team Empire - 11:30 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Playoffs - Day 5
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 5, Playoffs, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 5): Team Liquid vs Team oNe - 11: 00 CDT Team Empire vs Team BDS- 14: 00 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Playoffs - Day 4
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 4, Playoffs, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 4): Team Liquid vs DWG Kia - 10: 00 CDT Spacestation Gaming vs Team Empire - 13: 00 CDT Team BDS vs FURIA Esports - 16: 00 CDT DarkZero Esports vs. Team oNe - 19: 00 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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Top Issues and Community Concerns

Updated: August 18, 2021

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.


Improved Flash Detection + Consistency

We’re happy to be bringing our new Flash Detection solution to Season 3! Our aim with this improved detection is to enable players to trust their tools by providing consistent results from their gadgets, be it from Stun Grenades, Ying's Candela or Blitz’s Flash Shield. We want players to have a better idea of how their flashes have affected the enemy so a lot of the guesswork can be taken out of these encounters. This has been achieved by simulating light bouncing off objects in the immediate environment and taking into account factors like the player's distance, location, and angle from the explosion to determine the duration of the flash effect.

This improvement to flashes is available in the Y6S3 Test Server, so don't hesitate to give it a try and let us know what you think - we'll be keeping an eye out to make sure that operators remain balanced in the wake of this change.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Enemies Are Too Hard To See With Certain Skins Equipped

Certain operator skins can cause players to blend into some environments. To help increase their visibility in the heat of a match, we’re adding the option to enable a rim lighting effect on operators. We feel this change adheres to our art style goals and will be a welcome change to anyone who's been fragged by a camouflaged enemy, as it should help players better separate enemies from the environment.

Even more importantly, your feedback is essential here. We want to hear what you think about the intensity and general feel of rim lighting. While we're excited to get this feature into your hands, we're open to tweaking it in order to make it the best it can be, so let us know what you think.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Flinch Animations in PvP

We know that flinching and the intensity of those animations has been an ongoing topic of conversation. We’re happy to announce that we’ve found a reduced flinch level that we think players will like. Of course this is a topic that requires your input. Give this change a try on the Y6S3 Test Server and let us know what you think! We are open to making tweaks to further improve players' experiences around flinching animations.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

DBNO Kills

Putting in the work to get an enemy into a DBNO state but having a teammate (let's call them DeeBee) ultimately get the point for the frag can be frustrating. Beginning in Y6S3 (check it out on the Test Server), it will work as follows: Let's say you put an enemy into DBNO state and DeeBee frags them from that state. You will get the kill point. DeeBee will be awarded with an assist to reflect the difference in effort between these actions.

There is a caveat, though. In order to ensure players are receiving the clearest and more accurate intel possible, the DBNO scoring event has been removed and the player who dealt the final points of damage to the enemy (whether they were the one to put them in DBNO or not) will be the one shown in the kill feed. This is intended to prevent players from gaining unfair intel when they down an opponent who isn't in their line of sight and should better reflect their direct actions in the match, although as noted above, it will not be reflective of the points earned.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Friendly Fire – Team Gadget Launcher Damage

Currently, causing damage to an ally with the impact of a placeable gadget (e.g. Mozzie’s Pests, Lesion’s Gu Mines) does not bring anything tangible to the gameplay experience and is instead used as a form of toxicity. As a result, we've removed this form of damage. Other gadget interactions that cause damage as an end result (for example, C4, Impact Grenades, Breaching Rounds) will still cause friendly fire damage in the same way that they had previously, triggering the Reverse Friendly Fire system.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Screen Shakes

We’re aware that screen shakes can be overwhelming, uncomfortable, and can be particularly intense when the effects come from multiple sources simultaneously. In response to this, we’ve reduced the effects of screen shakes coming from explosions, while removing screen shakes from certain gadgets completely (take a look at our Y6S3 Designer's Notes for more information on the specifics). Our intention is for this to create a competitive environment where screen shakes are experienced in expected scenarios, but are not overbearing.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Customization: Elite 2.0

We know that many players are excited for Elite 2.0, so that they can mix and match items that they’ve earned. We’re releasing our first iteration of Elite 2.0, in which equipping an Elite will equip all of the pieces of that set (victory pose, operator card, and gadget skin) as they do already, though players will have the ability to swap out the headgear for another in their inventory.
This is just the first step in our customization goals with Elites, and we’ll be sharing more on this in the future.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch, with additional updates over the coming seasons.


We’ve heard your feedback on the updated scoreboard that was launched in North Star, and we’ve made some tweaks. We want to ensure that the information that's most important to you stands out and is more easily readable in a pinch. Although we are happy with these new changes, we welcome your feedback on this new iteration!

You can see the incoming changes compared against Y6S2's scoreboard in the images below:


Status: Y6S3.2

Loadout Reset

We continue to actively investigate the loadout reset bug. It’s known that the issue tends to occur for some players during in-game events, though we have found that the occurrence is not unique to those events. We’re currently analyzing additional reasons for the reset, and we’re working on a solution to the issue.

Status: Ongoing


As the topics above near completion, we’re beginning to set our sights on additional changes that we believe will have a positive impact on player experience. We wanted to give you an early look at what we're beginning work on and will share more details and timing for these in subsequent Top Issues updates.

No Bomb Site Icons After Dropping The Defuser

Currently if a player drops the defuser, the bomb site icons are removed from the display and will only reappear once the defuser has been picked up. We know that removing this information from the attacking team can cause confusion, and so we’re looking at how we can change this so that the bomb site icons remain visible, helping players to not lose sight of the objectives.

Squad Management
At the moment, players do not have tools to manage their squad as they’d like. In the future, we would like to add options that will enable players to change the leader of a squad, and easily remove players from the squad.

Disconnecting From A Squad Doesn’t Cause Proper Removal

When a player in a squad disconnects from the game, it doesn’t always result in the player being removed from the squad as expected. We’re looking into the cause of this and are working to implement a fix to make this work as expected.


Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity
MMR Rollback 3.0

We previously mentioned that we were targeting a Y6S3 launch for this change and are happy to reveal that we're on target! We will be pushing an update to our MMR Rollback system at the launch of this season, which will ensure that fair players keep their hard-earned MMR, such as when they win against a cheater. Also, with an update to the timing window for rollbacks, players will find the system more reactive as it addresses relevant matches in a given season.

We will be sharing additional information about these changes as the season launch approaches and look forward to hearing your thoughts on this change.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Stream Sniping

We know that streamers and players need additional features to help protect them in-game, and to that end we are working on a fully featured solution. Streamer Mode brings with it some security hurdles to guaranteeing full anonymization (i.e. in-game anonymization, global account privacy) that we must solve in order to fulfill the scope of features that are expected.

We are planning to provide a server-side version (i.e. visible to both teams in-game) that will allow players to scramble some of their information. This will be delivered during Year 6 Season 4. Further updates will then follow and be released iteratively over the following seasons to continue building on the feature and offer even more protections against stream sniping.

We plan to provide a detailed roadmap for this functionality before the release of Season 4 to break down these iterative steps and make sure you know what to expect and when.

Status: Targeting Y6S4 for first iteration

Cheat Detection & Automated Data Bans

In 2021 alone, we’ve banned over 69,000 cheaters as we continue to strengthen the cheat detection tools available to us. As shared in our recent Reddit AMA, we are increasing our investment in anti-cheat, adding additional layers of encryption to make cheats harder to create, and improving the threshold of our data ban system to gives a little more leniency. On this topic, we’re confident with these automated bans, as we continue to make sure that cheaters are detected and sanctioned, while being confident we’re not risking false positives.
Towards the end of August, we’ll be sharing a more detailed and data-focused update on our anti-cheat efforts to give you more information on our battle against cheaters and cheat makers.

Status: Ongoing

DDoS On Consoles

We’re aware that DDoS is still an issue affecting players on console. We recently pushed additional network protections for specific datacenters that have made a significant difference in the amount of attacks and the number of player disconnections resulting from these attacks. So far, we are very happy with the numbers and we will continue to roll out these protections gradually once we do our usual sanity checks that there are no unwanted side effects. We will also provide an updated analysis very shortly, detailing the recent protection improvements.

In addition, we’re actively working on an improved method of detection which will help to identify more players who are using this cheating method. Already, we can see that the improvement is providing us with promising results.
Our efforts will continue in this area, with our next steps including the implementation of automatic sanctions once we are happy with the accuracy of the detection model.

Status: Ongoing

Mouse & Keyboard On Consoles

As shared in our recent Reddit AMA, this is very much an ongoing R&D project and we do have dedicated people working on this. Our goal is to ensure that these spoofers do not provide an unfair advantage for players while ensuring that we keep accessibility for disabled players in mind. We continue to actively work on this and will be running tests over the coming months to validate our approach. We will share more information on this once we are comfortable with the results of our detections and can move on to the next phase - taking action against unfair use.

Status: Ongoing

Preventative Sanctions

Preventative Sanctions will continue to be a focus for us in the year ahead, but in order to prioritize the development and timely release of MMR Rollback 3.0 and Streamer Mode, we've made the decision to shift our team's focus. Priority calls like this are always difficult, but we feel the trade-off of getting these features in players' hands sooner is worth it.

We plan to redirect our priority to Preventative Sanctions for Year 7, and will provide updates as we have more to share.

Status: Ongoing


Updated: June 16th 2021

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.


Smoke Canister Gas Propagation

The propagation of the gas from Smoke’s Remote Gas Grenades was often problematic, appearing on the other side of undamaged walls, floors, or ceilings. We’ve reworked the propagation system for the gas itself, meaning the toxic gas will no longer travel through unbroken, or unopen boundaries, though it will spread through walls, floors, or ceilings where gaps have been created. We also changed the sound that the Remote Gas Grenades make upon detonation, making it much more distinct.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Bullet Hole Peeking

Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage, and we recognize that the difficulty in spotting such holes from a distance can cause frustration for some players. With the changes we’re implementing to tackle this, single bullets will no longer create an isolated hole through a wall or barricade (this does not affect weapons with more destructibility), though firing multiple bullets or meleeing a wall will cause a larger hole to appear, as is the case at the moment. This should help reduce the frustration caused by singular bullet holes while still allowing players to make use of destructible surfaces.

Please note, bullet holes in thin materials like window glass and the inner cores of props are not affected by this change.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Improved Flash Detection + Consistency

The goal here is to make flash detection more reliable and to give players confidence in this type of utility by improving its consistency. Basically, when you throw a flash, we want you to know how this will affect your opponents and the environment. The solution that we’re working on simulates the light bouncing off objects in the immediate environment, and the results we're seeing are encouraging. We’re currently evaluating the strength of flashes and are excited for players to get a chance to test this change soon!

Status: Y6S3

Enemies Are Too Hard To See With Certain Skins Equipped

We know that certain operator skins are well-known for blending into some environments, and this has led to situations where players felt they were at an unfair disadvantage. Our solution is to add a rim lighting effect to operators. So far, we're quite happy with the results and feel it is cohesive with the art style of the game. We are in the process of aligning on the colour of the rim lighting, and ensuring the effect is consistent across the game's many unique cosmetics.

At the end of the day, we want players to be able to choose the cosmetics they want without gaining an unfair advantage of any kind.

Status: Y6S3


As the topics above near completion, we’re beginning to set our sights on some additional changes that we believe will have a positive impact on player experience. We wanted to give you an early look at what we're beginning work on and will share more details and timing for these in subsequent Top Issues updates.

Loadout Reset

We’re aware that loadout and customization reset issues are prevalent for some players. While we have noticed the issue occurring during in-game events, we know that the issue is not exclusive to those. We’re investigating the issue and working towards a reliable reproduction and solution for this.

Flinch Animations in PvP

The flinch hit reaction has been a prominent topic across the player base, and this an area that we feel can be improved. We're investigating this topic and and will share updates in future editions of this blog.

DBNO Kills

Getting an enemy to a DBNO state and not receiving a point for the kill has been a source of frustration for players. We’re looking at this, as we feel that the player who downed the enemy should be awarded with the kill point if the enemy is taken out. Not only would this be more rewarding for the initial player, but this could remove a cause of toxicity from the game.

Friendly Fire – Team Gadget Launcher Damage

We are currently looking into the impact of hitting an ally with a gadget (e.g. Lesion's Gu Mines) or a launcher's direct hit (e.g. Mozzie's Pest), so that it no longer deals direct damage or results in a points loss. We are considering this change because such interaction does not bring any additional value to the gameplay experience, while also adding a form of unnecessary toxicity.

Following this, our intended plan is to remove the various damages caused when these situations occur. However, damage related to the end result of a gadget's deployment (e.g. actual explosion of a frag grenade) or launcher's actions (e.g. explosion of Ash's Breaching Round) will still inflict damage to allies and will still be considered within the Reverse Friendly Fire system.


Servers & Connectivity

During Neon Dawn and Crimson Heist we have seen connection based issues having a negative impact on players, and this is an area that we continue to work on at a global level, as we aim to resolve issues at their root.

In order to improve player experience, we’ve implemented a number of changes and shared our results in connectivity updates here and here. These changes have included migrating PC and PlayStation users to better servers, relocating the data centers for Japan and Australia, and launching a Middle East data center. Looking to the future, we have set a number of next steps, including global server migration on Xbox, working with partners to improve performance of the Middle East data center, and migrating servers in the South Africa data center.

Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity

Automating Data Bans

In our last Anti-Cheat DevBlog[rainbow6.com], we mentioned that we were working on building new cheat detections based on statistics to uncover our most disruptive cheat users. While this process was originally performed manually to stress test and validate its accuracy, we're excited to announce that we've updated it to be automatic. This mean that sanctions for cheaters identified through data-based detections will be delivered faster, reducing their impact on the community!

Implementing this automated process allows us to work in parallel and strengthen our collaboration with BattlEye. In the coming months, we will continue to develop new models and detection opportunities to increase our velocity on this front.

MMR Rollback

We are continuing to evolve the MMR rollback system by improving reactivity and minimizing negative impacts on honest players. The goal of MMR rollback is to help players who were in an unfair match. That being said, we know that it is frustrating for honest players to have their MMR rolled backed for matches where they won against a cheater, and we are working to address that.

We will continue to tweak the design as we work towards a clear and fair system. We are not able to share an exact timeline right now but are aiming for Season 3; stay tuned for more updates!

Preventative Sanctions
This past year we have been working on the implementation of preventative sanctions, one of the first visible aspects of the reputation system. In the future, by detecting patterns of griefing and harassment, we will be able to preventatively activate sanctions, allowing us to quickly deal with repeatedly disruptive players and reduce the frustration associated with them.

One of our first integrations for preventative sanctions will be oriented around Reverse Friendly Fire, and we will then expand the scope to other issues. We believe that this new way of controlling regular abuses will greatly contribute to the detection and prevention of disruptive behaviour. As with other topics above, stay tuned for more updates!

Abandon Match Penalties
We have increased sanction penalties for abandon-related offences, which players will notice with the launch of North Star. Paired with the recent improvements to match cancellation, we expect this to help discourage players from match abandons and limit the overall impact on committed players.

DDoS On Consoles

Over the last two seasons, we’ve made valuable progress in our fight against DDOS attacks on console, mitigating the effects of attacks. In addition to this, players who use this method of cheating are being banned, and our detection of such actions are constantly being improved. We will continue to look for methods of continued improvement as we seek to protect players from DDoS attacks.

Status: Ongoing

Mouse & Keyboard On Consoles

This subject is still a project priority, and the team continues to make progress. We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing more in the future as we continue to refine our approach.

Status: Ongoing

Stream Sniping

We know you're expecting an update on protections against stream sniping, and we know how important this is to you. Since our last update, we've been very actively investigating several avenues for deploying a system that would counter this situation, all while providing an acceptable layer of security, but we don't want to set inaccurate expectations.

As a six-year-old game, Siege has a lot of technical debts, some of which go against anonymization or don't take into account the problem of stream sniping. This is unlike contemporary game releases which are often built from the start with streamers in mind. This means that the process of ensuring true anonymity is complex and not limited to the Siege team, but the team remains focused on providing a solid solution.

This also means that we don't have a timeline to share at the moment. We want everything to be right to match your needs, which will continue to require validating and testing of our approaches to ensure they're viable. Of course, we will continue to communicate on our progress.

To the many great creators in our community: we understand how profoundly disruptive it is to both your gameplay and content creation experience when you are targeted by stream snipers. We agree that it’s unacceptable and we ask that you continue to bear with us as we seek actionable solutions in and outside of the game to resolve the core reasons snipers are able to do what they do.

from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege RSS Feed https://ift.tt/3sDSZYD
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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Group Stage - A Stream - Day 3
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 3, Group Stage, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 3, Stream A): TSM vs. Team Liquid - 10: 00 CDT TSM vs Team Empire - 11: 30 CDT FURIA vs. Spacestation Gaming - 13: 00 CDT FURIA vs Natus Vincere - 14: 30 CDT Invictus Gaming vs Team Empire - 16: 00 CDT Invictus Gaming vs Team Liquid - 17: 30 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Group Stage - B Stream - Day 3
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 3, Group Stage, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 3, Stream B): Team BDS vs. Cyclops - 10: 00 CDT Team BDS vs Soniqs - 11: 30 CDT G2 Esports vs. DWG KIA - 13: 00 CDT G2 Esports vs Ninjas in Pyjamas - 14: 30 CDT Team oNe vs Soniqs - 16: 00 CDT Team oNe vs Cyclops - 17: 30 CDT DarkZero Esports vs Ninjas in Pyjamas - 19: 00 CDT DarkZero Esports vs DWG KIA - 20: 30 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Group Stage - B Stream - Day 3
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 3, Group Stage, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 3, Stream B): Team BDS vs. Cyclops - 10: 00 CDT Team BDS vs Soniqs - 11: 30 CDT G2 Esports vs. DWG KIA - 13: 00 CDT G2 Esports vs Ninjas in Pyjamas - 14: 30 CDT Team oNe vs Soniqs - 16: 00 CDT Team oNe vs Cyclops - 17: 30 CDT DarkZero Esports vs Ninjas in Pyjamas - 19: 00 CDT DarkZero Esports vs DWG KIA - 19: 00 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Group Stage - A Stream - Day 2
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 2, Group Stage, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 2, Stream A): Team oNe vs. Cyclops - 10: 00 CDT Soniqs vs Team BDS - 11: 30 CDT Ninas in Pyjamas vs. G2 Esports - 13: 00 CDT Natus Vincere vs Spacestation Gaming - 14: 30 CDT DarkZero Esports vs G2 Esports - 16: 00 CDT Liquid vs Team Empire - 17: 30 CDT TSM vs Invictus Gaming - 19: 00 CDT DWG KIA vs Ninjas in Pyjamas - 19: 00 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Group Stage - B Stream - Day 2
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 2, Group Stage, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 2, Stream B): DWG Kia vs DarkZero Esports - 10: 00 CDT Natus Vincere vs FURIA - 11: 30 CDT Team Empire vs. TSM - 13: 00 CDT Team Liquid vs Invictus Gaming - 14: 30 CDT Team BDS vs Team oNe - 16: 00 CDT Soniqs vs Cyclops - 17: 30 CDT Ninjas in Pyjamas vs DWG Kia - 19:00 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Group Stage - Day 1 - A Stream
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 1, Group Stage, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 1, Stream A): Team BDS vs. Cyclops - 10: 00 CDT Team BDS vs. Team oNe - 11: 30 CDT DarkZero Esports vs. G2 Esports - 13: 00 CDT DarkZero Esports vs. Ninjas in Pyjamas - 14: 30 CDT Soniqs vs. Team oNe - 16: 00 CDT Soniqs vs. Cyclops - 17: 30 CDT DWG KIA vs. G2 Esports - 19: 00 CDT DWG Kia vs. Ninjas in Pyjamas - 20: 30 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Group Stage - B Stream - Day 1
Six Mexico Major 2021, Day 1, Group Stage, live from Mexico City Schedule (Day 1, Stream B): Natus Vincere vs. Spacestation - 10: 00 CDT Team Liquid vs. TSM - 11: 30 CDT Team Liquid vs. Team Empire - 13: 00 CDT Furia vs. Spacestation - 14: 30 CDT Invictus Gaming vs. TSM - 16: 00 CDT Invictus Gaming vs. Team Empire - 17: 30 CDT Follow us on social media: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports ► Instagram: https://ift.tt/33JRj2k ► Twitch Main: https://ift.tt/1UCfIyl ► Twitch Bravo: https://ift.tt/2nH6l5I (edited)

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Crystal Guard

A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2986435517734894223]here[/url].

from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege RSS Feed https://ift.tt/2Ul5VWy
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Crystal Guard

Introducing Crystal Guard, Rainbow Six Siege’s third season of Year 6! This season, we’re introducing our latest Operator, Osa, an engineering prodigy from Croatia who brings expertise to Nighthaven with her quick wits and unapologetic enthusiasm for '60s sci-fi movies.

This season is packed with a plethora of updates including changes to Operator armor and DBNO scoring as well as balancing for Twitch, IQ, Mute, and Fuze. Players also have a new way to customize Elite Uniforms. Read more in the Patch Notes below.

View Patch Notes[rainbow6.com]

from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege RSS Feed https://ift.tt/2VZ0g9y
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2994317380071948757]here[/url].

from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege RSS Feed https://ift.tt/3z5P21v
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In this latest edition of Designer’s Notes, we'll go into more detail about the balancing changes that’ll come with Crystal Guard and give you an insight into the reasons behind these changes.




Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an Operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.

Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator’s Win Deltas per Bomb Site.




  • Adjusted ammo count for primary and secondary weapons to set a consistent magazine ammo range for each weapon in a weapon type
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Over the past couple seasons, we've spent a great deal of time behind the scenes looking at how we could rework the ammo system. Specifically, we wanted to establish a consistent ammo count range between weapons of the same type, while also improving the experience and increasing the ammo of "utility" weapons like DMRs and shotguns. Below, we've broken out the updated total ammo ranges for each weapon type (except for secondary shotguns which will remain unchanged), alongside explanations for each weapon type's change:


In addition to everything noted above, each weapon will also get one extra bullet, similar to what you previously saw with open bolt guns. Unlike open bolts, closed bolt guns will get this extra bullet in their initial magazine.

  • Adjusted damage drop-off for each primary weapon type (except for shotguns with spread pellets) to have consistent, linear curves
  • Unified damage drop-off for silencers (15%) across all primary weapons (except for shotguns with spread pellets)
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Similar to streamlining "hidden" passive abilities with past updates, we've wanted to rework how damage drop-off functions for a while now. With so much going on under the hood, weapons have historically had multiple different damage curves that address damage drop-off over distance while reacting differently to certain attachments - specifically silencers. This made it hard to pick up a new weapon (even if it was the same type as the last one you were using) and understand at a glance how it would react to long-range engagements without first taking it to the lab.

With Y6S3, we want to take the guesswork out of damage drop-off by giving each primary weapon type (except for shotguns with spread pellets) its own distinct, linear curve that's consistent across every weapon in that type. While you won't notice a change with pistols, secondary SMGs and regular shotguns, the following weapon types and Glaz's OTs-03 have all received tweaks to their damage drop-off curves. The first distance value represents the point at which damage begins to drop off. Damage will drop off in a linear curve until it reaches (and then stays at) its minimum damage at and beyond the second distance value:


As for silencers, we've made the damage reduction of this attachment consistent across all guns. As many of you have rightfully pointed out in the past, the loadout screen previously claimed that silencers had the same effect on all guns, even though there were slight variations in the damage reduction per weapon. With Y6S3, we're making 15% damage reduction the uniform value across all weapons that have a silencer equipped, which will now be reflected accurately on the loadout screen.

  • Ying's Candela, Blitz's G52-Tactical Shield, and the Stun Grenade use a new flash detection system that calculates flash duration. It takes the environment and angle of the explosion into account as well as players' distance and orientation.
  • If an Operator is affected, they will always be flashed at 100%, but the duration will change each time, increasing the reliability of the flash effect.
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

One of the most frustrating parts of coming face-to-face with a flash has always been the consistency. It's not fun to use a gadget and be unsure of exactly how it will affect your enemy. In order to address this, we've completely reworked how flashes interact with operators and the surrounding environment in order to take the guesswork out of encounters.

The new flash detection system uses four parameters to determine the intensity of flash a player will encounter. Whenever a player throws a flash, it now calculates the operator's distance from the explosion, the orientation of that operator, the environment around them, and the angle of the explosion. This calculation is performed for every player caught in a flash's radius, ensuring everyone's results are accurate to their situation, while still being consistent across matches.

With this change, we hope that players will be able to trust the consistency of their flashes once more as they come to understand exactly how they should react in a given situation. We expect that this reliability will also increase their effectiveness in combat, making them a more valuable resource.

  • Operator armor will be converted to HP:
    • 3-armor operators will have 125 HP
    • 2-armor operators will have 110 HP
    • 1-armor operators will have 100 HP
  • Rook's Armor Plates will grant a buff to permanent HP for the round:
    • Picking up Armor Plates will buff an operator's maximum HP by 20 until the end of a round
    • Any heals will heal up to this new maximum value for the duration of the round
  • HP is now represented using a bar in the HUD instead of a circle
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Many of you likely got your first taste of this on the Y6S2 Test Server. Well, we're happy to extend this rework to Siege's Live servers this season. The goal was to streamline certain "hidden" passives that are difficult to understand at a glance in a match without hitting the lab or looking at a ton of different variables.

To streamline this and establish clear health pools for all operators, each armor class has been assigned a different HP total. This should make it easier for players to accurately judge the impact of an offensive play and coordinate accordingly, taking the mystery out of armor values. We've also updated the way HP is represented in the HUD to make the information clearer at a glance, specifically the different amounts of HP for each armor class and the immediate effects of damage, heals and overheals on these values. This also means that everyone - from players to casters - will see HP represented in one unified style.

It's also important to note that this is the first step in an eventual move away from rigid armor and speed ratings. They can be artificially limiting when trying to realize an operator, so in the future we would like to rework speed values in a manner similar to this HP rework, ultimately opening more options for balancing operators. While we don't have a timeline to share at the moment, we're investigating this and will be sure to follow a similar process of working with pros, testing on the Test Server, and digging into your feedback to ensure any reworks meet your expectations.

  • Screen shakes that result from explosions are now reduced across the board and are completely removed from certain device explosions
  • Screen shakes are completely removed from explosions caused by:
    • Ela's GRZMOT Mines
    • Zofia's KS79 Lifeline concussion grenades
    • Echo's Yokai sonic bursts
    • Nomad's Airjab Launcher repulsion devices
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

While screen shakes can be an important effect to convey the power of an explosion, we've heard from players that they can be overwhelming, uncomfortable, and particularly intense when the effects come from multiple sources simultaneously. In response to this, we’ve reduced the intensity of screen shakes coming from explosions, while removing screen shakes from certain gadgets completely.

Since this change affects quite a few operators and gadgets, we wanted to dig into some of the reasons for these changes. Looking first at concussive blasts and Echo's Yokai bursts, we've found that their effects can be frustrating, jarring, and produce some physical discomfort when paired with screen shakes. At the end of the day, they should be efficient at disorienting affected players in-game without creating discomfort outside of the game. Of course, they will still retain their other disorienting effects to ensure they operate as you've come to expect in-game. For Nomad's Airjabs, our intention was to make the screen shake intensity consistent with the lethality of the explosion, so we decided to remove screen shakes from the non-damaging explosion. The push-back will still feature a screen shake as you would expect, but the non-lethal explosion of the device will not add to the ability's existing shake.

Our intention is for this to create a competitive environment where screen shakes are experienced in expected scenarios, but are not overbearing. Specifically, approaching this as a matter of comfort rather than a nerf. It's also worth noting that we're investigating options to accommodate players who are prone to motion sickness in the future. While we don't have any dates to share, we'll be sure to share updates when we can.


We know you're excited to give Osa a try on the Test Server - we're right there with you! While the Test Server will launch tomorrow as mentioned in the reveal, Osa's Test Server debut will be delayed by one day. The team wants to make sure we do her justice for her debut. Just like her work leading Nighthaven R&D, sometimes it takes a little extra time to make sure you're getting the best possible first experience.

That means Osa will be available to play on the Test Server beginning Wednesday, August 18. You'll still be able to check out the many operator changes below and map buffs coming tomorrow, so we appreciate your patience as we get Osa ready for testing. We can't wait to hear what you think of her!

  • Added Frag Grenades (removed Hard Breach Charge)

Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Moving into Y6S3, Finka's win delta is the highest of all Attackers, but her presence continues to be among the lowest. She has an effective loadout, but so much of her play requires effective coordination with her team.

By replacing her Hard Breach Charge with Frags, the intention is to approach her in a way that's similar to Iana. Whereas Iana is an intel gatherer with Frags and the GONNE-6, we wanted to extend this to an operator in the healer/support role, making Finka the clear choice. Our hope is that this change in utility will open up more on-the-fly strategic options for her.

  • Cluster Charges
    • Can be deployed on reinforced surfaces and Mira's Black Mirror
    • Charges take longer (3s) to pass through reinforcements
    • Reduced charge bounce after triggering
    • Extension tube is now vulnerable to damage
    • Added gadget light to signify phase of activation
    • Added VFX for Cluster Charge triggering on soft walls and reinforced surfaces
    • Added SFX for Cluster Charge triggering on reinforced surfaces
  • Increased recoil on AK-12
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

Despite having an interesting ability, Fuze has struggled to increase his presence. We know that some of this comes from his ability, specifically that it can be difficult to understand exactly what effect it will have on the other side of the surface it's applied to. To improve on this, we've reworked Cluster Charges. In an effort to make their effects clearer, we reduced the amount they bounce after being triggered and added a light to show what phase of activation the device is on. Probably most exciting is that Cluster Charges are now useable on reinforced surfaces.

Now that they're no longer restricted to soft walls, Fuze's Cluster Charges will be useful in a much wider range of scenarios. This is expected to make Fuze a strong counter for heavy utility strategies thanks to his increased effectiveness against bulletproof utility. Plus, the more versatile nature of being able to deploy on reinforced surfaces should make Fuze more fun to play, as this opens up more options for in-the-moment strategies.

For those looking to counter Fuze, this rework also opens up some new options:
  • Now that it can be deployed on reinforced surfaces, electricity can be used to effectively destroy it.
  • It also won't trigger if it's within the range of Mute's Signal Disruptor, although if the disruptor is placed once the Cluster Charges have already been triggered, it won't have any effect.
  • The updated visual effects will allow players to accurately anticipate where the charge has been placed.
  • While players won't be able to shoot the gadget until it has breached the surface, its extension tube can now be destroyed with any type of damage. Note, no matter how quick you act, the gadget will always release at least one sub-grenade.
  • The charge will now take longer to drill through Castle's Armor Panel and Mira's Black Mirror, making them a little more reliable.
For information on the increased recoil on the AK-12, scroll down to the Weapon Balancing section.

  • Increased OTS-03 magazine size to 15 bullets (from 10)
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

As it stands with the Balancing Matrix, Glaz has a very low presence and win delta. Considering he only has a single primary weapon available to him, it's important that it serves him well. Tying into the rework to ammo mentioned above, we've increased his DMR's mag size and updated his maximum ammo to fit the weapon class' new normalized values. This should encourage more active play in the field, especially when he previously had less ammo when compared to other DMRs.

Now, missed shots won't be as immediately punishing given his larger magazine and ammo reserve. Players will be able to approach combat situations more aggressively, making him a more viable pick for players who like the range of his loadout, but also want to get in their opponents' faces more often.

  • Removed 2.0x scope from G36C
  • Removed 2.5x scope from ARX200
Population targeted by this change: Top Ranked and Pros.

Since the last update, Iana's presence has been steadily rising, to the point where she now has the second highest amongst Attackers. An increase was expected following Zofia's nerf, but similar to Ace and Sledge who are receiving nerfs to bring their presence, versatility and fragging potential in line with other Attackers, Iana is also receiving some tweaks to her kit.

Specifically, the longest-range scopes for her two primary weapons have been removed. The intention here, much like the others mentioned above, is to lower her overall versatility, as she is capable of excelling in just about any situation. Now, it will be more important that players make strategic use of her Gemini Replicator to get an edge on their opponents rather than simply picking them off at range with such a powerful kit.

To give some more background to this balancing philosophy, with all these changes to weapons, we want to make sure that operators with really strong or essential utility don't also excel as strongly in the fragging department. That's not to say that we want to completely cut their fragging potential if they have strong gadget utility - simply that we want to find a balance between the two. As a gadget-based game, removing utility puts more emphasis on weapons. We try to explore weapon-based adjustments first where possible, as this allows us to make more granular adjustments to the balance without causing the meta to swing too strongly to being weapon-first, utility-second. We previously saw this happen after adjusting the utility meta, which made utility easier to clear. These wild balance swings create frustration for players, so we think it's important to take a more iterative approach to find that sweet spot, and it just so happens that beginning with weapons is often the best starting point.

  • Electronics Detector
    • Can use Ping 2.0 through walls
    • Can ping operators with wearable electronic devices (Vigil, Counter-Defuser, etc.)
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

When it comes to intel gathering, IQ has historically been a solid pick. This is despite the potential shortcoming that much of her value requires quick and effective communication with the rest of her team. Unfortunately, not all players find themselves in situations where this is possible. That's where Ping 2.0 comes in.

We've updated IQ's Electronics Detector to now use the Ping 2.0 system when scanning for electronics. This means IQ no longer needs to use comms to contextualize pings. Once pinged with the Electronics Detector, the rest of the team has the most important intel at the ready on-screen. The goal here is to make IQ even more effective in her intel-gathering role and make it easier to share information if voice comms aren't available. This also allows her to keep the focus on her actions in-match instead of having to also make regular call-outs, which should help speed up her game.

This rework also increases the effectiveness of her interaction with Dokkaebi. Since cell phones function as wearable electronic devices when in use, IQ is now able to share more contextual info with her team when she spots Defenders affected by Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb.

  • Signal Disruptor
    • Disruption zone shape changed to sphere with the same radius of 2.25m (from cylinder)
    • Warning zone shape changed to sphere and radius reduced to 4.75m (from cylinder, 6m radius)
    • Added AoE VFX (red area removed)
    • Added new LEDs
    • Improved accuracy of bullet collision
Population targeted by this change: Top Ranked and Pros.

The heavy utility meta has made it very clear that while many operators offer incredible utility through their abilities, some are still overtuned. One of those operators is Mute. He has become an popular pick for his Signal Disruptor, which acts as an extremely powerful denial tool thanks to its large area of effect - particularly vertically. From denying intel to denying entire reinforced walls, the Signal Disruptor has been in need of a tweak for a while now.

In its pre-Y6S3 state, it used a cylindrical shape for its area of effect, which began at the device's base and extended vertically. This allowed it to cover a significant amount of space in a column, effectively denying on its own terms while also outclassing the options of similar operators. With Y6S3, its area of effect has been changed to a sphere, extending outward with the Disruptor at its center. This means that while the disruption radius will stay the same at ground level, it will not extend to the same vertical heights as before.

With this change, the goal is to make Mute less of a jack of all trades denial expert and instead make him more focused on intel denial. Since the device's disruption radius is the same at ground level, he'll continue to excel at cutting off drones. This should then open the door to more viable denial picks like Bandit, while encouraging a wider range of strategies and synergies.

  • Removed SMG-11
Population targeted by this change: Top Ranked and Pros.

Coming into Y6S3, Sledge continues to show an upward trajectory on the Balancing Matrix, rising in presence and win delta. A big part of his comes from the high degree of utility in his loadout that makes him incredibly versatile.

By removing his SMG, this will bring his overall versatility down and encourage a slightly more focused approach to his moment-to-moment play, given his strong soft breaching capabilities and vertical control. We may be closing one door for Sledge, we can't imagine anyone better at breaking open another door in its wake.

  • Equipped with a regular drone during Preparation Phase - only 1 regular drone available
  • Shock Drone can jump
  • Shock Drone's projectile changed to laser (from taser)
    • Deals 5hp damage (from 1)
    • Has infinite range
    • Does not disable electronic devices
  • Shock Drone has a larger bullet collision (double the size)
Population targeted by this change: Casual, Top Ranked and Pros.

It's possible that some of you caught a hint of this earlier this year, but the secret's out - Twitch's Shock Drone can jump now! That's not all, though. In addition to getting a little more mobility, we've tweaked the drone's projectile to bring its damage type more in line with other gadgets. This means that it will now deal damage that destroys gadgets, rather than disabling them.

To offset this increase in utility, Twitch won't immediately have access to a Shock Drone. Instead, she'll begin the Prep Phase with her sole regular drone. Once the round starts, though, she'll be able to use her new and improved Shock Drone. While we expect many of Twitch's existing strategies to stay the same following this rework, normalizing the drone's damage type to match other lasers should help make its effect more clear at a glance. Since this is quite a large change, however, we want to hear what you think about it.


  • Increased recoil on AK-12
    • First shot kick increased
    • Vertical recoil increased
    • Horizontal spread will be stronger and constant to the right
    • Long burst recoil will start on the 10th bullet (was 12th)
Population targeted by this change: Top Ranked and Pros.

Please note that recoil simulations shown are representative of recoil on PC without attachments.

We know recoil changes can be frustrating, especially when they target an operator as widely loved (at least by Attackers) as Ace. They require you to rethink and relearn muscle memory, so we want to help with that process. Moving forward, we will be sharing diagrams that break down the before and after for any recoil changes. This should help to visualize the change up-front and take a lot of the guesswork out of the relearning phase.

For Ace, it's likely not surprising that he continues to boast one of the highest Attacker win deltas on the Balancing Matrix. His AK-12 is a force to be reckoned with and the utility that comes from a ranged hard breach makes him a powerful all-around operator which is reflected in his presence. By giving his primary a little more kick, this should help bring him more in line with other Attackers while maintaining the unique utility he brings to a team.

Fuze is a different story. As mentioned above, his Cluster Charge has been buffed considerably, which is expected to make him a strong counter to current heavy utility strategies. Our intention is for his increased effectiveness against bulletproof utilities to far outweigh the AK-12's nerf. As always though, we will be keeping a close eye on him post-patch to make sure this change is tuned appropriately and can tweak as necessary.


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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 - Group Stage - B Stream - Day 1

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New video by Rainbow Six Esports on YouTube

Six Mexico Major 2021 Trailer | Be remembered
They’ve proven their worth in their homelands. Now they must prove it on the world stage, back on LAN, at the #SixMajor live from Mexico City. Tune in on August 16-22 to see who will rise and fall, and who will get one step closer to the Six Invitational dream. Visit our official channels below! Twitter: https://twitter.com/R6esports https://twitter.com/R6esportsNA https://twitter.com/R6esportsLATAM https://twitter.com/R6esportsEU https://twitter.com/R6esportsAPAC Watch more!: Twitch: https://ift.tt/2w6Blji YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWKHac5bjhsUtSnMDFCT-7A YouTube for Match Vods: https://www.youtube.com/c/RainbowSixEsportsMatchVods ABOUT RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: Rainbow Six Siege is an exciting, new approach to the first-person shooter experience that puts tactical combat and masterful destruction at the center of the action. Lead your team of unique, counter-terrorist Rainbow operators through tense and thrilling combat scenarios and achieve victory through smart preparation and strategic improvisation. Rainbow Six Siege is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation® 4 and PC. KEY FEATURES: • THE RULES OF SIEGE: Five versus Five. Attack versus Defend. Infiltrate versus Fortify. Team-based strategy meets intense, tactical combat. • WORLD'S ELITE COUNTER-TERRORIST OPERATORS: Choose your Operator and wield their unique ability to breach or defend the objective as a part of an elite team. • DESTRUCTION AS A TOOL: Walls can be shattered; floors and ceilings can be breached. Mastering the tactical use of destruction is the key to victory. • CLOSE-QUARTERS COMBAT: With tight spaces shaping all combat arenas, tense encounters and up-close-and-personal firefights abound within every Siege

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Y6S2 Dev Team AMA

A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2992063678847411281]here[/url].

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Y6S2 Dev Team AMA

The Siege community has a lot of questions about the current state of the game and its future, which is why we brought together members of the dev team for a Reddit AMA on July 22nd. You can find a recap of the most important questions and answers below, the full Reddit thread can be found here.


Have you made any significant progress to detect MnK and have a reasonable timeframe for banning people who abuse it?

Our MnK work currently is still very much a R&D subject. We have dedicated people in the Rainbow Six Siege team who are actively working on MnK to not become an unfair advantage, but an additional input that we support to make everyone's experience fairer without impacting our players with disabilities. We plan to run tests in the coming months to validate our approach, once properly validated we can move forward.

(Full Post here)


What are your plans to fix the cheater issue?

A large portion of what we do unfortunately can't be shared here, as security is a huge part of anti-cheat and we need to guarantee we're not giving any hints to cheat makers. While we know this is frustrating, know that we have ongoing initiatives already live and in development that we can't explicitly share.
We'll be sharing a data-focused update to this Anti-Cheat article in August, but today, we're going to break down some of our most recent actions and plans for dealing with cheaters.

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Will you guys ever consider manual bans of players doing new glitches in ranked that are found and exploited?
When someone finds a glitch, our stance is to fix it as quickly as possible. For that reason, we don't want to penalize someone who has found it in the first 24 hours - especially if this helps to identify the issue.

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Are there any specific plans to add new level requirements or other/more forms of verification to Ranked?

In the future, we aim to add some access restrictions to Ranked for players who have not relaunched and played the game for a while or any new account that has reached the Clearance Level allowing access to Ranked and has not made sufficient matches in PVP Public Matchmaking to validate its eligibility.
We are also actively looking with our partners inside Ubisoft at reinforcing the account security to make sure it gets harder and harder for hackers to get their hands on accounts.

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If we report a cheater in-game via the overlay, does an actual human look into the report? If not, how is it done?

We have a team dedicated to going through these reports and identifying cases that involve cheating. But, considering the high number of reports we receive each day, we have to prioritize which reports are reviewed immediately.

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What do Developers plan to do in order to curb rampant cheating for Siege aside from automated bans? When will Devs look into the possibility of hardware-based bans?

Hardware bans are indeed a sanction used by us and across the industry, however, it's not a silver bullet since advanced hardware ID spoofers can disrupt the detection.

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In a time where it feels like every game has a cheater in it, wouldn't you agree that manual bans would improve relations with the community?

Manual bans are not our long-term strategy as it would not be scalable, but that doesn't mean that we don't do manual bans - they're still very valuable to the team.

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Is the overabundance of operators and its resulting unpredictability seen as a design challenge that needs to be addressed?

We had introduced the Pick and Ban and the Sixth Pick to help on this. The current system encourages to pick operators who do a bit of everything or perform specific basic functions and for us it's something we would like to address. The Attacker Repick will answer to this.

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I am curious to know how you conceive a new character, and which are the main factors you focus on during the creation; the aesthetic, or the gadgets first?

Sometimes the Gameplay will come first and drive the whole development of the operator. That was the case of Wamai for example, or Hibana as we wanted to give alternative pick choice for teams to fulfill one core function.
On the other hand, sometimes the Lore or the history of a CTU is very strong and attractive and drives the process of making the operator, such as Nokk from the Jager Corps.

However, we will never reach a point when we "sacrifice" the gameplay for the lore.

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I know people working with R6 have said in the future they hope for around 100 operators, but do you genuinely feel that is realistic with the current trajectory of the game?

This statement of reaching 100 operators was a strong symbol of us, the Siege dev team, claiming and saying to our community that we were HERE TO STAY.

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How does the balancing team incorporate less tangible factors into their process when balancing operators?

We have different processes:
  • The Balancing Matrix helps us to have an overview/data of the performance of the Operators.
  • Regular pro workshops to collect feedback from them.
  • We also have calls with the pro players to present them various ideas/balancing changes. Those are also an important source of information.
  • We have all the week some internal Playsessions to test each change/rework -- with different player levels.
  • Finally, of course, the community's feedback is another of our core inputs, which comes to us regularly from our community team.
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Why does Twitch's gadget completely prevent her from having two regular drones like every other attacker?

We are agreed! News coming (very) soon for Twitch.

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Are there any plans to change something about IQ's kit, whether that be her loadout, gadget etc.?

There is a plan for IQ to improve the intel sharing, so stay tuned!

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Will there be any LGBTQIA+ representation?

Representation is incredibly important to us as a team. This year, in fact, the team has taken great strides to really level up how we are authentically representing our Operators, for example with the partnership of Nakoda consultants for the creation of Thunderbird. This is an approach we'll be taking moving forward as well, to ensure the future LGBT operators we bring to the game feel like honest, real people.


What are your thoughts on Kali's balance at this current time?

She has a very good secondary weapon and to be honest, for now, we are not looking to give her another primary. For us, if we do that, nobody will use her sniper anymore and that's a shame.
So we need to look at the sniper itself how to buff it. We still believe in a bolt action sniper rifle in Siege.

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Siege's lore has made a shift from it being a realistic counter terrorist game, to more of an Olympic-style game. What is the reason for this?

It's no secret that our obsession since the beginning has been competition rather than making a realistic and immersive game. So the more the game evolved, the more we felt the need to explore gameplay areas that were no longer compatible with the "realism" and the original settings.

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When you think about how the game has evolved from the beta to now, are there any gadgets you feel didn't keep up in viability or purpose?

We cannot imagine releasing some of our Legacy operators today, this is why we have established some guidelines to help the creation of the operators:
  • Define the player skills needed to manage each operator such as knowledge skill, communication skill, resource management skill, ...
  • We need to have some balancing levers
  • Play around soft counter instead of Hard Counter -- Soft counter creates more gameplay and implies more skill.
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Is there a plan to incorporate new maps instead of just reworking old ones?

Now that the competitive map pool is more solid, we will be switching to hybrid mode. This means that we will continue to maintain and improve the released maps with reworks but we will also start to make brand new ones again.

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What kind of maps will we see changed in Y6S3?

For Y6S3, we're doing Buffs in 3 competitive maps: Clubhouse, Coastline, and Bank. The 3 maps received a complete tech overhaul (transparent to players) and some gameplay changes (balancing, quality of life). The total amount of changes in those 3 maps are about equal to the number of changes of a single rework. We wanted to be more surgical but tweak more maps.

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Any plans on reworking Bartlett U. into an actual PvP map, or is it destined to be excluded forever?

It will come back in some form. We are currently trying some things from minor changes to a complete overhaul.

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What aspects of a map make it 'competitive'?

The top one is overall balancing. Each team must have equal opportunities to win at high skill level of play. There must never be a point where one team can't do anything due to the layout or setups. It is also a question of trade-off. When a map has a certain aspect that favors one side, we try to counterbalance by having something else that favors the other side.

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When is the rank rework taking place?

We're still in the early phases so we don't have dates to share, but we are planning an update to Ranked. Among the changes that we have planned one of the core changes is to split the MMR from your ranking. MMR will be kept hidden. Your ranking will be a value that is slowly progresses towards your MMR. It will ensure better matchmaking from the start of the season without the stress of good/bad placement matches. It will also reward dedication on top of pure skill.

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As a solo queue ranked player, what are your plans to improve the experience?

We're looking at two possible solutions.
  • Solo & squad queues: While this would address many concerns, it has a drawback. This option runs the risk of increasing queue times and decreasing matchmaking quality.
  • A single Ranked queue: Rather than just using MMR, it would also factor in the advantage of playing in a squad vs. playing solo. This would ideally offer fairer matches without splitting the community between queues.
(Full Post here)

Will the 700 MMR gap be changed? It's difficult to play with my friends with the current restrictions.

We're looking at a couple of different solutions:
The most promising one is to allow players to play with nearly anybody (some extreme limitation might apply) and then take into account the squad skill disparity into the MMR update. The goal is to dampen the unbalance that teams with a big skill spread can create.

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Do you guys ever plan to rework the MMR/ELO system for ranked to make it more dynamic instead of just being "you get MMR if you win a game" and "you lose MMR if lost a game."?

We want to improve our skill rating system so it computes your skill with better accuracy and more importantly: faster.
In R6S it's a bit tricky. We tried using kills and in fact, our system was less accurate by taking that into account, which means that the game is strategic and not just about who got the better aim.
We also have to be careful about those stats, they could be datamined and people could try to adapt their playstyle to 'min-max' the stats instead of thinking about winning the game.

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Will attack repick be coming soon?

The ATK repick is planned to be pushed on the Test Server in Y6S4 (but will not ship immediately).

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Do you plan to do something about the growing number of smurfs in the ranked ladder?

We have already committed ourselves and are currently working on this topic within our team and with our partners to get an accurate understanding of the smurfing ecosystem via data collection and analysis. Currently what we want to do is:
  • We are looking at account rules modification to establish stronger controls at the account level.
  • Also, on the game side we will explore various possibilities including the identification of the main account (in terms of performance) to automatically adjust certain values so that alt accounts meet this rank/performance.
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Is there a plan to fix the rollback system to rework it?

As mentioned in our last [Top Issues & Community Concerns](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-ca/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/1YPQ5yw9TaRhQwghjStqn2/top-issues-and-community-concerns) article, we are currently working on a major update of our MMR Rollback system. This new version aims to bring changes that will restrict the time window for rollbacks and addressing rollback that occurs when you win against a cheater.

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Will North Africa get its own servers?

At this time, we have no short terms plans to open a North African location but as we said previously, we are open to looking at the options in the future.

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Can you add the option for picking your server on console?

It's a direction we want to go in, but unfortunately, we don't have it in our timelines right now.

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What exactly is the reason you guys decided against the AWS/gamelift gameservers?

We have indeed added Gamelift to the roster. The idea behind is 3-fold and pushes to improve the overall server quality of service:
Improve our resiliency, offering a service backup in case of outage of our other providers.
Mid-term we plan on putting Gamelift in the Siege server pool more frequently in order to improve connectivity.



Why doesn't Siege have a form of bracket tournament similar to the ones in Rocket League or Fortnite?

We are working on a competitive playlist that will be activated only during weekends. We call it the R6 Cup as a code name. 5v5 pre-made squad only. However, new features like the R6 Cup have to be delayed because it's counterproductive to make this feature in the old online environment, and then have to redo it again when the transition it's over.

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Will we be getting a gun range and is that idea even being considered?

I am happy to say that we currently working on some prototypes where the focus would be to learn & practice weapon recoil control and also visualize the effect of different weapon attachments.

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Any thoughts on removing friendly fire from casual? That game mode is supposed to be relaxing and fun.

There is no plan to remove friendly fire in casual. The problem there is not about being relaxed, it's about toxicity.
However, you are right to say that this game is a very sweaty one and we acknowledge that sometimes you might want to enjoy Siege without necessarily having the whole pressure of a 5vs5 bomb match.
That's why we are working on a prototype of a TDM mode that we call Warmup. The main goal is to have something easy going, easy opt-in and opt-out where you can practice your aim and try different weapons.

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Will there be any more work or updates for Terrorist Hunt?

To be dead honest, we have wanted to remove TH from the game for a while now. It has a lot of flaws, costs a lot to maintain, and doesn't really fit anymore the direction we are taking with Siege.
However, it still has some interest and some purpose for some people. So, we said to ourselves that before touching the TH we need to deliver some features that answer the needs I mentioned above.
We need to ship a Warmup game mode first. And we also need to have a way to play with bots in a safe environment for people that want to learn or play coop with their friend without playing against human.

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What is the ideology that is used to determine the 4 bomb sites on a map?

These days the bomb site areas are decided upfront, and we build around them once we have the building skeleton. We noticed that it is faster to converge toward something solid this way. But there is a drawback, it tends to make all bomb sites more similar to each other's so we must keep this in mind.
When we decide on the general location of the 4 bomb sites, we try to cover most of the footprint of the building so that every part of the map will be used at one point.

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Is there a plan to make a better Tutorial mode for beginners?

We are actively working on a brand-new Onboarding experience for new players which will take them through the Basics of Siege, such as destruction, verticality, and intel. We also want to have a more Siege-like preparation for players where the essence of Attack and Defend are introduced and how Operators play an important role in this experience.

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Will there be a permanent Arcade playlist?

It's been in discussions on the team for some time, but we've lacked a large enough variety of modes to support a permanent playlist that players would actively use. Our intention is to release on a more regular basis arcades like Golden gun and headshot, until we build a large enough bank, to keep the quality of the matchmaking on par with the rest of the game.

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Will you guys plan on rotating Arcade modes more often?

We are looking at how we can increase the frequency of Arcades while still having enough diversity so that it doesn't become redundant for players.

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When Game After Death was first brought to TS many asked to cancel the feature entirely. However, Seb Francois (UX Designer) put out a tweet saying "Gameplay After Death is not a 'take it or leave it' situation at all" is this correct?

The community's feedback to Gameplay After Death was super useful after its appearance on the Test Server. It didn't feel balanced, so we're continuing to experiment with it. It's a feature we plan to release someday, but ONLY when it truly feels like it fits within the Siege experience.

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Can we please get cross-save?

It's coming in 2022 :) You'll be able to transfer all your cosmetics to PC once it launches.

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Are you guys going to enable cross-play between PC and console, with an option to disable it?

We believe in developing and deploying features in an iterative fashion. This is how we're proceeding for cross-play. So far, console generations (e.g. PS4 & PS5) can play together. Stadia, Luna, and PC players can play together as well. Coming up next is cross-play between all consoles.
Crossplay between PC and consoles is a more complicated subject, and we want to make sure we can provide a good experience before activating it. It's not a technical restriction, but more a matter of making sure we have better control over cheating, toxicity, and type of controllers.

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Will we see changes to the Battlepass at all, and will we ever see the return of the year pass?

We are looking to re-introduce the benefits that were previously given to Year Pass owners in the short term, including Boosts to Battle Points earned from Premium Battle Pass players.
Additionally, we are still not satisfied with our Battle Pass solution overall. We are actively working on a new type of Battle Pass that won't be found anywhere else. We're also looking to tweak challenges and make them more engaging in the upcoming seasons.

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